January 2018

Written By: John Greaser Tired of looking in the rear view mirror of your life?  If so, become a different you and take up rowing. Have you ever asked yourself the question, why do people row (scull, crew); or more specifically, why out of all the possible movement disciplines consider rowing as an option.  I posed that question to myself 20 years ago and haven't regretted

By: Kirsten Preskenis Do you have a New Year’s Resolution? Maybe it’s to lose a few pounds if you’ve over-indulged on sweets this holiday season (if you’re looking for inspiration, check out the article, ‘4 Tips to Build Winter Momentum’). If you’re a rower, you may be looking for ways to improve or spice up your training. One of my resolutions is to improve my flexibility. I

By: Katie Ouellette After a long and very cold holiday season jumping back into a solid routine of strength and cardio building activities can seem like a very daunting task. You might feel like there is no way to be saved from the endless piles of delicious pastries you couldn’t help but enjoy over the last month but getting back on the train is all about