Why Choose Rowing?
Written By: John Greaser
Tired of looking in the rear view mirror of your life? If so, become a different you and take up rowing. Have you ever asked yourself the question, why do people row (scull, crew); or more specifically, why out of all the possible movement disciplines consider rowing as an option. I posed that question to myself 20 years ago and haven’t regretted my decision to take up rowing.
Perhaps you no longer find chasing the yellow fuzzy ball around the court challenging or interesting. Or perhaps you headed to the track the other week and discovered running the 110 meter high hurdles didn’t rank high on your list of kinesthetic endeavors any more.
You know what else I like about rowing; it doesn’t require a high IQ to participate. Once you satisfy your reasons (why) for choosing to row, you will discover a feeling that is indelibly attached to the process of rowing. I call it the “grunt factor.” Your why has now morphed into a “must.” A passion for the sheer joy of moving with the craft will begin to consume you. You begin to look forward to deliberate practice. Once off the water for the season, this feeling will draw you into the winter training routine of erging or cross training; activities that many rowers rely on to build and prepare for the next season.
Jim Rohn, author, says “we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with.” If you want people to help bring you up, put aside your “excusitis” and come join us for the next row season. Choose rowing!
My friend Seneca once said, “It’s not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult. I dare you, choose rowing with FVRA.