FVRA Members Mandatory Sculling Competency Check List
- Current Signed USRowing Waiver
- Paid Member of FVRA
- Signed Swim Waiver
- Can carry boat to and from boathouse
- Can get in and out of boat and launch boat unassisted
- Can fully turn boat in both directions
- Can demonstrate basic rowing skills
- Can back boat at least the length of the dock
- Can dock boat alone
- Knowledge of sign in and sign out process at boathouse and on website
- Understands traffic pattern of the river
- Has awareness of shallow areas and obstacles
- Understands FVRA water and safety procedures
- Rower agrees not to have any impeded distractions while rowing (i.e. music)
- Understands steering technique
- Understands the need to wear appropriate clothing (i.e. bright colors)
- Knows who to contact in case of an emergency or equipment repairs
- Has watched USRowing Saftey Video in the last calendar year
Please review our FVRA safety document and river course map to for more information on the required safety procedures that are mandatory for all FVRA members.
Members will only be given access to sculling equipment once they have completed the above list and are approved by an FVRA Coach.
NOAA Water Forecast Upstream of Rainbow in Simsbury, CT