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Winter Training & Technique 2025


Indoor Technique Clinic for Experienced Rowers

4 Sundays – 9 – 10:30 AM or 10:30AM – 12 PM – February 23 – March 16

Held at Trinity College in Hartford, CT this 4 week clinic will allow rowers to warm up their on water muscles before heading out on the river using Trinity’s rowing tank. Each week rowers will focus on an area of the stroke through drill work, technique discussion and receive video feedback. Rowers will also have the opportunity to row both port and starboard throughout the sessions.

Cost: $150
Participants: 16 per session
Registration Due:
February 21, 2025
Requirements: Current USRowing Waiver (Basic or Learn to Row)

Register Now


Program Registration & USRowing Waiver


All participants must register with Regatta Central as part of the registration process (accessed by clicking the “Register” button below the program you are interested in – listed below)

All participants joining a program for more than 3 days must have a USRowing Learn to Row or Basic Membership and sign a USRowing waiver which includes an additional fee of $10 or $25 depending on the membership level you choose (If your program is 3 days or less – click here to print a waiver to bring to your program)

To sign your waiver please go to:

If you are already a USRowing Member,

    1. Choose “Individuals” > “Members” > “Sign Waiver”
    2. Login to sign your waiver or verify it has already been signed

If you are not a USRowing Member,

  1. Choose “Individuals” > “Join”
  2. Complete the form to sign up for a Learn to Row or Basic USRowing membership
  3. Under “Club or Team Name” enter “Farmington Valley Rowing Association” and choose us from the list – we are USR Member # 944
  4. You will then be asked for a club code to add yourself to our roster – it is, Club Code: R63XE
  5. The form searches the system to see if an account for you already exists – if it does not you will continue the registration process to sign up for your Learn to Row, Basic or Championship membership. (NOTE: Any USRowing membership requires an additional fee to join and sign a wavier. This fee is not collected by FVRA. Visit for more information on membership fees.)

Your seat is not reserved until payment has been received. If paying by check, please make check payable to FVRA and send check to: 542 Hopmeadow Street PMB 101, Simsbury, CT 06070