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2025 Club Membership

**Registration currently not available on mobile devices**

FVRA Club Membership Levels

Click a membership level below to learn more and register

Early Season Alert

Until the water temperature is consistently over 50 degrees all rowers will ONLY be allowed to row at specified times when a coaches launch will be out on the water for safety purposes. A calendar will be sent out to all participants looking to row to provide a designated time slot for launching and docking.

Due to limitations in the number of rowers that can be safely observed by the launch we will limit the number of rowers during any session to 12 to start off. After the water has reached a consistent temperature over 50 degrees, rowers will be allowed to go out with a buddy(s).

Membership Registration & USRowing Waiver


Which membership level should I choose?
Please contact us at if you have any questions about which membership option is right for you or to discuss a payment plan.

Requirements for ALL FVRA Members,

Regatta Central is Our Membership Processing Service
All participants must register with Regatta Central as part of the registration process (accessed by clicking the “Register” button below the membership level you are interested in listed below)

Pay-By-Check Please
Please choose the pay by check method if possible to avoid additional processing fees from RegattaCentral. Thank you!

Your seat is not reserved until payment has been received. If paying by check, please make check payable to FVRA and send check to: 542 Hopmeadow Street PMB 101, Simsbury, CT 06070 or bring to your first row.

USRowing Waivers & Membership
All members must have a USRowing Basic Membership and sign a USRowing waiver which includes an additional fee of $25. If you are participating in the Racing Team a Championship level membership is recommended.

To sign your waiver please go to:

If you are already a USRowing Member,

  1. Choose “Individuals” > “Members” > “Sign Waiver”
  2. Login to sign your waiver or verify it has already been signed
  3. Click here for an additional walkthrough

If you are not a USRowing Member,

  1. Choose “Individuals” > “Join”
  2. Complete the form to sign up for a basic USRowing membership
  3. Under “Club or Team Name” enter “Farmington Valley Rowing Association” and choose us from the list – we are USR Member # 944
  4. You will then be asked for a club code to add yourself to our roster – it is, Club Code: R63XE
  5. The form searches the system to see if an account for you already exists – if it does not you will continue the registration process to sign up for your Basic or Championship (racing team see below) membership. (NOTE: A USRowing Basic Membership, required when signing an online waiver, costs $25. This fee is not collected by FVRA. Visit for more information on how this fee is used)

Required Member Safe Sport Training

To complete the training,

  • Visit by clicking here
  • Use the Enrollment Key on the SafeSport landing page and enter the following key: NGBUSR-RFKt8f if you are new to the SafeSport training.
  • You will need your own USRowing member number and your own email address to access the training
  • Email and let us know your training has been completed

*** The availability of the below membership options may change at any time given the number of participants who submit registration. A limited number of spots are available due to rack space and equipment limitations.***

1 Month Sculling/Recreational Membership

This is a 1 month FVRA membership from the date you pay for your membership. Recreational as well as racing style boats are available depending on experience. Any rowers looking to participate in this rowing level need to be able to pass the FVRA sculling safety checklist ( and be approved, or previously approved, by an FVRA coach if they would like to scull. Drop-in rows with our Recreational Sweep program are available as space allows for no additional fee. Programs are held weekly April – early July. A sweep sign up calendar for drop-in rows will be shared with each participant once registered.

Purchasing your own inflatable PFD is recommended however the club has some available for use during rows when a coaching launch will not be on the water. PFDs are required until May 31st but recommended when rowing without a coaching launch. Please see CT DEEP Life Jackets for more information.

To continue participation in this membership level rowers will need to renew their membership prior to one month since the day they first registered.

Fee: $165 per person


1 Month Sculling Membership w/Rack Space

This membership includes a 1 month rack space rental as well as a 1 month FVRA membership from the date you pay for your membership. Any rowers looking to participate in this rowing level need to be able to pass the FVRA sculling safety checklist ( and be approved, or previously approved, by an FVRA coach.

Additional materials will be sent to the participant upon registration submission. Proof of current equipment insurance required.

Single Scull– Storage $90 + 1 Month Membership $165 = $250

Double Scull– Storage $130 + 2 person 1 Month Membership $330 = $460

To continue participation in this membership level rowers will need to renew their membership prior to one month since the day they first registered.


New for 2025 – Full Year Sculling/Recreational Membership

This is a full year (April – Oct) FVRA membership. Recreational as well as racing style boats are available depending on experience. Any rowers looking to participate in this rowing level need to be able to pass the FVRA sculling safety checklist ( and be approved, or previously approved, by an FVRA coach if they would like to scull. Drop-in rows with our Recreational Sweep program are available as space allows for no additional fee. Programs are held weekly April – early July. A sweep sign up calendar for drop-in rows will be shared with each participant once registered.

Purchasing your own inflatable PFD is recommended however the club has some available for use during rows when a coaching launch will not be on the water. PFDs are required until May 31st but recommended when rowing without a coaching launch. Please see CT DEEP Life Jackets for more information.

$575 per person
$475 Senior (62+) or College *New 2025*


Masters Racing Team

The primary goal of the racing team is to bring together a group of motivated athletes who will work together over the season to perform as a group. The biggest determinant of success is commitment to the team and your personal improvement as a rower and athlete. The competitive team provides more time with the coach, additional on-water practice, structured training workouts on land and on the water, and a focus on racing strategies and readiness. Based on participation racing team members can row in 1x, 2x, 4x, 4+ or 8+. Racing team members have access to all racing privileges, services and equipment for the entire rowing season they have registered for. Seasons are spring/summer running from mid-April to July and then Fall which runs August through Oct.

*NEW 2025*
Full Year Racing Team
Cost: $600
+ additional coxswain/race/trailering fees based off of practice and race participation

Per Seasons Options
Spring & Summer – Mid-April/May/June/July
Cost: $390
+ additional coxswain/race/trailering fees based off of practice and race participation

Fall – August/Sept/Oct
Cost: $240
+ additional coxswain/race/trailering fees based off of practice and race participation

*NEW 2025*
Summer College Racing Team (May 15th – August 15th)
Cost: $290
+ additional coxswain/race/trailering fees based off of practice and race participation
NOTE: Any possible NCAA restrictions need to be reviewed prior to participating in races

For more information visit the Racing Teams page


1 Month Coxswain Membership

This is a 1 month FVRA membership from the date you pay for your membership. Coxswain members may participate as a drop in sweep rower or use club sculling equipment as long as they commit to serving as a coxswain as determined by the coach for up to 2 rowing sessions a week. Any rowers looking to participate in this rowing level need to be able to pass the FVRA sculling safety checklist ( and be approved, or previously approved, by an FVRA coach.

To continue participation in this membership level rowers will need to renew their membership prior to one month since the day they first registered.

Cost: $110


New for 2025 – All Year Coxswain Membership

Coxswain members may participate as a drop in sweep rower or use club sculling equipment as long as they commit to serving as a coxswain as determined by the coach for up to 2 rowing sessions a week. Any rowers looking to participate in this rowing level need to be able to pass the FVRA sculling safety checklist ( and be approved, or previously approved, by an FVRA coach.

To continue participation in this membership level rowers will need to renew their membership prior to 3 months since the day they first registered.

Cost: $330
