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Spring/Summer 2025

What would you like to participate in?

Click the program listing below to learn more

Program Registration & USRowing Waiver


All participants must register with Regatta Central as part of the registration process (accessed by clicking the purple “Register” button below the program you are interested in as listed below)

Signing Your Waiver

All participants joining a program for more than 3 days must have a USRowing Learn to Row or Basic Membership and sign a USRowing waiver which includes an additional fee of $10 or $25 depending on the membership level you choose (If your program is 3 days or less – click here to print a waiver to bring to your program) This membership allows you to be covered under our organizational insurance for all programs you participate in during the year.

To sign your waiver please go to:

If you are already a USRowing Member,

  1. Choose “Individuals” > “Members” > “Sign Waiver”
  2. Login to sign your waiver or verify it has already been signed
  3. Click here for additional information

If you are not a USRowing Member,

  1. Choose “Individuals” > “Join”
  2. Complete the form to sign up for a USRowing Membership (Learn-to-row, Basic or Championship)
  3. Under “Club or Team Name” enter “Farmington Valley Rowing Association” and choose us from the list – we are USR Member # 944
  4. You will then be asked for a club code to add yourself to our roster – it is, Club Code: R63XE
  5. The form searches the system to see if an account for you already exists – if it does not you will continue the registration process to sign up for your membership. (NOTE: A USRowing Membership, required when signing an online waiver, costs $10-$25 depending on the membership level you choose. This fee is not collected by FVRA.)

Program Fee

Your seat is not reserved until payment has been received. If paying by check, please make check payable to FVRA and send check to: 542 Hopmeadow Street PMB 101, Simsbury, CT 06070

Alumni Row

We would love to welcome back to the water all of our former FVRA on-water program participants and club members. If you have rowed with us in the past and have a current USRowing waiver, register for this free row and join your fellow FVRA alumni for an easy swing row to get back out on the water and welcome in the spring rowing season. Depending on the number of interested participants we may break rows into an early and late session. Pre-registration closes on Thursday, April 10th.

Date: Sunday, April 13th – 8:30 – 10:30 AM
Cost: Free for Past Participants (must have current USRowing Waiver)
Spaces Available: 16 participants

To verify your waiver status visit, Boatings will be created after registration closes.


Learn-to-Row – Sweep

In sweep rowing each rower holds one oar. Sweep classes are taught in an eight-person or four-person boat that are steered by people called coxswains. In this program, rowers will learn boat-handling skills, water safety, and will be introduced to the basics of rowing technique in a small group. There is no pre-requisite for this program, but you must be able to swim. Two times are offered per session, early morning or late morning.

Weekend Date: Saturday, May 10
Times: 2 Sessions Early (7:00 AM – 9:30 AM) or Late (9:30 AM – 12:00 PM)
Cost: $55
Spaces Available Per Time Slot: 6

Weekday Dates: Tuesday, May 13 or Tuesday, June 17
Time: 6 – 8 PM
Cost: $55
Spaces Available Per Time Slot: 6

National Learn to Row Day

Date: Saturday, June 7
Times: 2 Sessions Early (7:00 AM – 9:30 AM) or Late (9:30 AM – 12:00 PM)
Cost: Free
Spaces Available Per Time Slot: 6
Learn to Row open to the public with pre-registration

Prerequisites for learn-to-row clinics,


sculling clinic

Recreational Sweep

Are you looking to expand your rowing experience and increase your fitness while enjoying the outdoors? Our Rec. Sweep session will build your technique and fitness in a friendly small group setting. Recreational sweep is for sweep rowers who have previous participation in the Indoor Winter Beginner Program, a Learn-to-Row class, or similar introductory rowing experience. You must also be able to swim. This group meets weekly at Camp Shalom in Windsor, CT. Rowers will primarily be rowing in an 8, but may be broken up into 4s. This is a coached session that will work on building basic understanding of rowing technique, control and boat feel.

Interested in joining but can’t make it for the full session? Email and get on our Drop-In Rower list. If a spot is available you will be contacted to join the row! Drop-in rows are $35 each and can be paid for individually or as a RowPass as 4 row punch card. Scroll down for available options paid online.

Session I – April 17, 24, 26, May 1 (Skip first Sat. due to coaching conflict) – Thurs 5:45 – 7:45 PM/Sun 8:30 – 10:30 AM
Session II – May 15, 18, 22, 25, 29, June 1 – Thurs 6 – 8 PM/Sun 8:30 – 10:30 AM
Session III – June 19, 22, 26, 29, July 3, 6 – Thurs 6 – 8 PM/Sun 8:30 – 10:30 AM

Cost: Session I $145, Sessions II & III $220
Spaces Available Per Session: 8

Prerequisites for this clinic are,

  • Indoor Winter Beginner Program, a Learn-to-Row class, or similar introductory rowing experience
  • A current USRowing Waiver
  • The ability to swim
  • Emergency contact sheet on file


4 Row – RowPass or Individual Drop-In

Experienced rowers can purchase rows in blocks of 4 and participate in-drop in rows when spaces are available! Scheduled small boat rows are available weekday mornings as well as Sunday mornings. RowPasses can also be used for sweep rowing drop-ins when space allows. All program participation must be scheduled at least 1 day in advance of the scheduled row through the online programming calendar. RowPasses are good for the 2024 on-water season.

4 Row Pass – $140, Individual Drop-in – $35
Prerequisites for a RowPass,

  • Indoor Winter Beginner Program, a Learn-to-Row class, or similar introductory rowing experience
  • A current USRowing Waiver
  • The ability to swim
  • Emergency contact sheet on file


2 Hour One-on-One Coached Sculling Sessions

Work with a coach in a small boat for a session catered directly to your experience and technique focus. Learn to scull, build boat speed or fine tune your stroke during a 2 hour row scheduled directly with one of our FVRA coaches.

  • Scheduled per athlete with coaches as available
  • Only available from mid/end May to mid/end Oct (on weekends in Fall Sept/Oct) due to water temperatures and light availability.

Cost: $120
Prerequisites for lessons are,


Please email to schedule after submitting your registration.